Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The more things change ...

ice cream man

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

that I can still make my Mom laugh although no sound comes out

that it's all about action

that I know, without a doubt, that drinking and spirituality do not mix, for me they are incompatible

that today, I choose to remain in conscious contact with my HP

for another powerful meeting yesterday about relapsing -- at meetings like this, I really hear a lot of experience that I don't care to go through myself

for solutions, responsibility and accountability

for all of the opportunities I have had to see the other side of life

that my life is in for some changes beginning next week and I'm as prepared for those changes as I can be
-- mostly by remembering Step 3

that tomorrow is hAAlf nAAked thursdAAy,
join us if you can, visit us if you can't

Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.
-Lou Holtz


JJ said...

Good morning sweetheart. I love you!
I see you too,

Greg said...

Good morning Daave. Have a good day. Thanks for the advice

Recovery Road London said...

Good posting, Dave m'lad. One of your strongest yet, may I say. :-)

Just a man trying to get by said...

Good day Dave!! Thanks for the post. Always good advice!

Gooey Munster said...

Ah, your mom's soul is smiling within!

Sunshine said...

You know, its wonderful to know I can log on and go to your page and get a good dose of solution. Thanks for posting every day. : )

dAAve said...

DG -- I believe the proper term is penii

Unknown said...

I am not sure if I should be disturb or not. I laughed but I am a sick chick so I am just confused.

I love that YOU love to make your mom laugh. That is great stuff ~

Anna said...

Don't know that I would buy my children a cone like that lol

Gooey Munster said...

Ohhh I get the pic now, she has a white bar over her eye . . .

Funny how that itty bitty white (sometimes black) bar is to protect identities. LOL nonetheless!

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Love the Lou Holz quote....

Trudging said...

Personally I cannot get past the ice cream picture.

Mike said...

Where you find these pics, I'll never know, but you are always good for a laugh and some wisdom. A great combo.


Petutes said...

I'm Karen and I'm an alcoholic from Colorado. I enjoy reading the sober blogs.

lash505 said...

ha I posted that photo a few weeks ago. got ya