that I enjoy working the coffee bar at Lambda and get to talk to a lot of different people
that I'm beginning to do step work (Step One) again with my sponsor at just the right time as Hayden comes for a visit. hint: it ain't just about alcohol!
for awareness of concepts I never knew about when I drank
that today is APRIL'S 2nd sober birthday, drop by and give her a cyberhug
that I discovered a new recovery blogger on the Sobriety Society website;
say HI ! to the Cake Lady over at Happy Destiny Day
that I have the time (and desire) to sit and read most of the blogs listed on my sidebar
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Note: it was a strange afternoon around my townhouse. My next door neighbor's 15 year-old cat died. Not unexpectedly, of liver failure. Not an hour later, another neighbor was found dead in his bed. He was in his late 30's, a flight attendant, and a cocaine/crack/crystal meth addict. He was in total denial that he had a drug problem. He had learned how to fool the system and never have a "bad" urine test and was proud of that. He won't have to worry about that again because he has now failed the BIG test.
Have a GREAT day, y'all.
You're absolutely right re Step #1. It isn't just about alcohol. It's always about my response to people places and things, but not always about booze.
A brave step (lol) to do another Step. Good luck.
Those are some pretty funny looking kids.
...cumming, baffling, powerful.
yes my friend, our powerlessness extends well beyond drugd and alcohol, at least mine sure does!
Those 12 Steps will work on just about anything..... not just the booze. Good for you - using the tools in your tool box!! : )
Dave, thank you so much for commenting on my blog!!! Just looking at your blog this morning has filled me with much happiness! Thanks again!
Step 1 for me is people, places and things ... alcohol too.
You live in an exciting place eh?
That Emerson quote is my favorite.
Thanks for the reminders (of SS), the birthday and the new blogger!
I think I have seen some kids like those.
New posts from you are always a highlight. I never know what treasures are in store. LOL at the kids! And thanks for the links to check out.
no doubt step 1 everyday nice baby photos of you family.
I wish I had a coffee bar to work.
Thanks for Cake Lady!
Hi dAAve,
I enjoy reading your posts. You find some interesting quotes.
Hope you are enjoying your evening.
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