The movie "Popeye" was filmed there and this picture is the village constructed for the movie set. It remains standing as a tourist attraction.
DID YOU REALIZE... all the cartoon characters in POPEYE had eating disorders?
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that I finally remembered to use one of the tools in my recovery tool box yesterday -- that I can start my day over at any time -- and I had to use that tool twice!
that it's easy to see my own faults as I look at those of others
for a life that has become pretty much drama-free -- until others import it
that enforcing my own personal boundaries requires integrity
to watch my friend Boston become a different person right before my very eyes
to live in such a changing world
that tomorrow is hAAlf nAAked thursdAAy and many of you will participate
Happiness is a thing to be practiced, like the violin.
-John Lubbock
that's one of the only great things about drama... if I want it in my life, I have to download it... I don't have to download it, it's up to me...
Malta, wow so dAAve, what exaclty did you do for work if I may ask, that took you to such kool places around the world?
Popeye was brilliant. Our hometown gal, Shelly Duvall, perfect as Olive Oyl.
Popeye-health food nut, milk and spinach
Olive Oyl-bulemic &/or anorexic
Brutus/Bluto-steroid use, stealing girlfriends
J. Wellington Wimpy-overeater and debtor/liar
Swee'Pea-too young to eat solids
Eugene the Jeep-magical, did he eat?
Castor Oyl-Olive's brither-?
Sea Hag-?
Rough House-cook
Poopdeck Pappy-Popeye's father-?
Alice the Goon-?
Pipeye, Pupeye, Poopeye, Peepeye (Popeye's identical nephews)-?
Plus other minor characters...
I will gladly pay you Thursday for a hamburger today. hmmmm. hamburger...
Toolbox...that's on my list of things to do.
I love to read things like that. Especially about the eating disorders in the toon. That is sooo funny ;D
Dave I really admire the fact that you are so traveled. It is one of those things in my life that I hope I will be able to do. My parents use to own a travel biz. My brother in Co. has traveled the world. He started in HS and then in college as a chaperon for the HS trips. I blew my chance because of my drinking. Now I will have to wait and see if it is one day in the cards for me. If so Malta looks very coooool.
Have a great day ;)
"Everything is Food Food Food . . . "
OMG Dave, this is a great post. I LOVE POPEYE, I have the soundtrack on my iPOD and the DVD at home.
DID YOU REALIZE... all the cartoon characters in POPEYE had eating disorders?
Hmmm, I wonder is why I can relate to them all . . .
Thanks for sharing your past travels, most amazing.
they sure did!
I cant believe it! WOW
good stuff daave...
that anonymous was me shannon Blogger wont let me log in???
you know, now that i think about it i don't have very much drama in my life, either. it's been really nice. i'm not ready for a relationship yet, and still won't be in a couple months when i get my year. part of me is afraid of dating again b/c it's brought so much drama in my life in the past. i think i'm doing just fine w/out it right now. but someday...
Wait I never saw olive oil eat anything. "download dave" new nickname.
dAAve, you blog always makes me feel better. I'm glad your here. You have an interesting job too!!
I think that's my favorite thing about sobriety right now--my life is very boring! Funny how a drama-free life can be so great...
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