Friday, December 19, 2008

another week just about gone...

You might find a message here --

CLICK HERE to see a short video called, "The Black Hole."

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

for sobriety (I have it all the time)
for serenity (I have it much of the time)

that I no longer go to the bar to vent and rage to people who could not care less about my problems; I have AA to go to instead LOL

that Hayden and his Mom made it here safely

Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.
~~ anonymous


Bill said...

I hope that candy bar sustains our film hero until help arrives.

I'm going to see if my copier at work will do that.

Scott W said...

Ooooh, that's scary!

Mary Christine said...

Glad Hayden and his mom made it there safely.

Mary Christine said...

Glad Hayden and his mom made it there safely.

Anonymous said...

glad hayden and his mom made it here safely. say 'hi' to hayden for me when he wakes up. i love you.

Trailboss said...

Happy Friday Dave!

Syd said...

Nothing like having those we love around for the holidays. Hope that you and Hayden have a great day.

Pammie said...

hmmm will we be hearing any Mother in Law jokes?

Glad they made it in.

Bill said...

Hi, I'm back. Just reporting that my office copier doesn't have that feature.

steveroni said...


steveroni--full of courage. YIKES!

Zanejabbers said...

That Black Hole - I had no idea where it was going. Now see what greed can do. It's a good thing he took all that money out or there would not have been enough room. Hi to Hayden and his Mom.

steveroni said...

Ya know, I do not think I'd have made it to the safe...I'd have been done in at the candy machine!

Dave, thanks for finding this stuff, saves me loads of time.....I think?