"Meet me on the balcony."
"Which one?"
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that I'm alcohol-free and nicotine-free today -- again!
for an afternoon spent helping a new friend in recovery find a place to live
that I no longer have to look elsewhere for my happiness (this is HUGE for me)
that I seem to have surrounded myself with so many wonderful and practical examples of effective recovery; all I have to do to learn is to keep my eyes and ears open
There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.
-Victor Hugo
Why is an idea a "who" instead of a "what"?
well I'm not nicotine free but I am so grateful to be smoke free!
Great grateful list! Happy Wednesday to you!
You're probably saving gas and mileage now that you're not running around looking for happiness in all the wrong places.
So, on which balcony did you find happiness?
Helping others is great huh?
I love helping others...this post is just what i needed this morning..thank you!
Meet me on the lower balcony - I'm always about finding the easier softer way...
...oh, yeah...
Helicopter maybe?
I'm still working on not looking to anyone but me and God for happiness. Some days I forget.
"Meet me on the balcony."
I'd rather be 'grounded' on a 'happy Wednesday', 'helping others' to realize '"What an idea!" Or "What...An idea?"'
Or "Whose idea?"
Meet me by the clock.
Have a great weekend, buddy!
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