Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Odd Couple


Bill said...

That is touching and affirming. Thanks.

Mary Christine said...

What a sweet story.

Pammie said...

I was worried that the back injury was going to be cause know.....

Scott W said...

I saw this on CBS Sunday Morning, and it made me tear up.

Sage Ravenwood said...

It's a beautiful reaffirmation of life. Thanks for sharing hon! (Hugs)Indigo

J-Online said...

So sweet. I had to laugh because when I got Marley my dad said to me, "Well at least AS didn't want an elephant, I'm sure you would have got it for him." I guess I should preface this with my dad isn't an animal lover and I asked him not to say anything negative about what I was about to tell him. Guess you had to be there. Thanks for sharing. I'm forwarding on to my dad.

Maurice said...

Great video, Dave. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Daave. That really touched my heart.