East Texas, 1974, 1975 (age 20-21)
I attended a university of 11,000 students in a town of 25,000 residents. The school was nestled in the piney woods of east Texas, surrounded by many farms and small lakes.

One weekend, at the apartment of a drinking buddy, I was offered to partake in the consumption of mushrooms. They grew wild on farms and these had been picked from a local pasture.
The friend prepared the mushrooms by mixing them in a blender in the kitchen. Then poured the liquid into a glass. Poof! Ready to drink.
I drank. Arghhhhh. Ewwwwwwwwwwww! The most awful taste of anything I'd ever had. They said to keep drinking. I kept drinking. The whole glass.
The high was immediate. Strong. Very strong. Speed. Amphetamine. Almost a psychedelic high, my brain becoming separate from my body. For an hour or two.
I did this a few more times but the taste couldn't be overcome. We tried to disguise it with flavors, but it was always there. So I stopped doing mushrooms.
Next came the aerosols.
Mushrooms..blender...drink...no thanks. I just chewed mine. Nasty.
I see you,
Hey I got my ass shot at many times by farmers while I was tipping cows and looking for mushrooms. I was hit twice with salt pellets.
i never did get to try magic mushrooms... maybe I was spared something nasty... I had blotter acid, that worked well for me!
We used to make Magic Mushroom Spaghetti. It was horrible. Especially when it came back up.
I have never done hallucinogens. I do love mushrooms sauteed in butter with a bit of garlic and sald and pepper. I once was prescribed some Chinese herbs I had to boil into a 'tea', that was the nastiest shit I ever put into my mouth. No puns, please.
i just ate mine right out of the pile of shit - didn't want to wash off whatever it was that did the trick. gross. we did anything to get high, huh?
Health and Phys Ed?
only did mushrooms once. and i think i puked. i know i never wanted to do them again. aerosols... that is an entirely different subject. i thought about that this morning when i was running. whoda thunk that a person who did aerosols every single freaking day for at least a year would even have lungs left at the age of 54!!!
Jeez, you were QUITE the party animal!
I used to dab Elmer's Glue on my fingernail til it dried clear, and sometimes... I'd EAT IT!
Plus, there was that non-toxic school paste back in the second grade. Tasted like peppermint...
No thanks on the mushrooms. It took me a long time to learn to love the button ones on a good steak.
Hey, can you distill anything from mushrooms??? Now that is an idea.....
I never did mushrooms. You remind me of John with the pot. He chose to be an art major so he could blend his pot smoking into his college world. hehehe. That worked out real well.
Thanks for your mushroom memories.
Mushrooms are good on pizza.
I have mushrooms growing in my back yard now. I think my brain would explode if I did em. We used to coat them in peanut butter to mask the taste. There was even a local bar where you could ask for a "special" Piña Colada. Them's were da dayz!!!!
Where did you find it? Interesting read »
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