Saturday, January 29, 2005

Blast from the Past

She went to our church when I was growing up. She was my 12th grade English teacher. She was always a neat lady who wore her hair in a bun.

I have not seen Mary-Lois Barden in 32 years as my life took me in other directions. My mom was still friends through the years, however.

Today she was 90 years old.

And her kids threw her a birthday party. At the same old church where I had not been since 1972. My mom asked me to make an appearance with her at the party, so I said, "Sure." I am soooo glad I did. It was surreal being back at that church. I used to spend a whole lot of time there. Nothing has changed. I fully expected to meet a frail and wrinkled Ms Barden, After all, she's 90! SHE HAS NOT CHANGED EITHER!!! I swear to God (as I understand Him) that she looks the same as three decades ago. Moves a little slower, but the face, the voice, the smile were still the same. Her family (over 35 of them in attendance) had laid out pictures taken of her throughout her life, dating back to 1915.

There were more than 100 friends who came by to celebrate with her. I told my mom that it almost seemed like a funeral for a healthy person. It made me think that when I die, there will only be a fraction of that number to see me off. I don't know that many people.

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