Saturday, January 22, 2005

Great Words & Narrow Minded Actions

INTEGRITY = when one's actions reflect their own words

Some people are upset about the $43M being spent on the President’s inauguration ceremony and parties. Most of this money is from private donations. The ceremony and security are paid for by the taxpayer, just like it's always been. Terry McCauliffe, former head of the Democratic National Committee, said he didn’t care to watch any of it. He preferred to put in the “Titanic” DVD to “get in the mood for the next 4 years of the Bush administration”. Howard Dean, future hopeful head of the DNC, was going to hold an “un-inauguration” party. Former members of the John Kerry campaign committee decided to book and go on a Caribbean cruise to get away from it all. These are the people who are saying that the president must now reach out to embrace and unite the country, but now they are running away and are no where to be found. The bottom line is, no matter how much, or little, would be spent on the inauguration, these people just can’t stand that it’s a Republican being sworn into office and more specifically, and painfully, it’s George W Bush. And frankly, most people, at least 54 million of them, could give a rat’s ass what these people say, think, or do. So I can only suggest to them to get an electable candidate for 2008 with some policies that people actually care about, and if they can get him elected, then they can throw their own party in 2009 and listen to the Republicans whine.

How can these "liberals" call themselves "open-minded" and patriotic? They seem to be open-minded only when they get their way; otherwise, they gonna take their toys and go home.

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