Saturday, May 21, 2005

A Simple View of Religion

Let's see if I can remember a few of their names. There was Jimmy Swaggart, Pat Robertson and Oral Roberts. The Osteen's; father and son. And of course, Jim and Tammy Faye Baker. Can't forget them. I know there's more, but you get my drift.

These are just a few high-profile CHRISTIAN leaders. Thousands more lead their congregations each Sunday. Protestant, Muslim, Catholic, Hindu, whatever. It's what they do the other six days of the week that kind of bothers me. Well, it doesn't really bother me, it just makes me wary. No, it doesn't make me wary, it flat out turns me off. To their view, their definition of religion.

It's the hypocrisy that I'm thinking about. I'm glad they have a God which is important to them. But their God allows them to cheat on the spouses and lie about it. Their God allows them to gamble away fortunes instead of investing money in their families and communities. Their God allows them to openly hate gay people, yet have a little same-sex fun on the side as long as no one finds out. Their God allows them to preach their own political views and hate those who don't agree with them. Their God allows them to take illegal drugs while they publicly profess their cleanliness. Their God allows them to murder people who don't agree with their views.

These are just a few of my problems with "organized" religion.

Organized. LOL So is the Mafia.

I'm obviously not a religious person, but I DO have a God of MY understanding. I found my God in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. My God is embedded in the Steps and Principles of A.A. and is a loving God. Of all people. All that my God asks is that I try to do the next right thing. To myself and to others. For myself and others.

I don't believe the next right thing includes spousal cheating, dishonesty, selfish gambling that takes from my family, hatred of others because of their politics, color or sexual orientation, using illegal drugs or hurting other people. Especially not murdering them.

No, I am content with my God (as I understand Him). You, however, are welcome to believe what you wish and go to the church of your choice. My God tells me that I must allow you those freedoms.

1 comment:

GodlessMom said...

Beautifully put and so true.