It took me more than 33 years of drinking alcoholically to reach my bottom.
What exactly IS a bottom?
For me, it was the epitome of incomprehensible demoralization. I did not lose my home, my car, my job. I did lose the person with whom I was in love. I lost the desire to go on living. I lost my self-esteem. I lost my ability to reason and think straight (shuddup Scott). In short, I lost my sanity. I almost lost my life due to my stupid actions which led to a hustler being in my home. Robbing me. I was drinking up to 18 hours every day for the last year. And there was a lot of crying and tears. A lot of yelling. A lot of nonsense.
What did your bottom look like?
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
for a God of my understanding (thanks Bill)
that I have not had an alcoholic drink in 2 years and 5 months nor have I had a thought about having one for more than a second
that I want to live until God takes me
that my head and brain has cleared up enough to make sense of most things (except some Al-Anon people)
that I live with honesty and credibility at the core of my existence
that today, Step 12 pretty much covers it all for me
that someone asked me to be his sponsor yesterday after hearing my talk on Wednesday; I only hope I can help him to more fully appreciate the Twelve Steps
that when I sponsor someone, I can't keep them sober and I don't become their banker, taxi-driver, sex/relationship counselor nor necessarily their friend
Example is not the main thing in influencing others, it is the only thing.
-Albert Schweitzer
I took me a long time to learn that I did not have to become friends with the people I sponsor.
Good Stuff Daave. Good Stuff.
Thank God you shut me up, that was just too tempting. lolololololol
I guess everyone has a different bottom. I too DID NOT lose my home, my car, my children, or my job. But also like you I lost my self esteem, self respect, ability to think straight, and so on.
When I called Kevin and asked for help I didn't have that pre conceived notion of AA - the way some do. You know we are all bums on the street. I will never forget ALL THE DIFFERENT people I have met through AA.
We come from all walks of life. Different backgrounds, different religions, different bottoms. But we are all ALCOHOLICS...damn it's a bitch.
Your post is great dAAve. Made me think and y'all know what happens when I think.
I bet you are a great sponsor.
I see you and your bottom too,
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