... and you thought Earth was a BIG round ball!
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that I began my leg workouts yesterday, beginning very slowly, methodically and cautiously
thta my resting BP is 120/80 and heartrate is 74; not bad for a guy who smokes 2+ packs/day for 35 years
that my gym opens at 5am -- I was there at 5:02 this morning (these initial workouts are very short)
for a nice meeting with my sponsor; we both agree that I am a very very sick person
for a meeting that reminded me that we are all emotionally ill and should be tolerant of everyone, including ourselves OR, as a friend puts it ...
"We're all here because we're not all here."
to meet a interesting visitor at Lambda Center from Atlanta who gets his exercise by square dancing across America
that my home gets cleaned professionally today
that I never contracted malaria when I lived all over Africa; many of my friends did
that Pluto is no longer a planet; this has been bothering me a lot since I got sober
We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Pluto isn't a planet anymore?!! Where have I been?
Mornin' Daave Hey wher your "maid" is done cleaning have her/him come to my house and clean too...lol...hagd yfg
For one moment I thought that was a HNT picture and if it was it would be awesome. You have given me some ideas with that picture.
As always your grateful list inspires me. My only problem is with the "professional" cleaning. Send them my way.
I see you,
I never expected to hear Lamda and Square dancing in the same post.
The gym is awesome at 5:02 a.m., isn't it?
RE: for a nice meeting with my sponsor; we both agree that I am a very very sick person. I could have saved you the trouble.
My tired brain read..."my gym opens at 5:00 am, I left at 5:02. These initial workouts are very short.
After having hot coffee spurt through my nostrils (ouch) I read it again and sighed.
Good job starting your gym stuff! You'll thank yourself for it later! Have a great weekend!
Only you Dave. :)
nice ass dave and a head to match lol
LOL ~ where the hell do you find this shit!?
Thanks dAAve for the laughter ;)
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