An archeological team, digging in Washington DC , has uncovered 10,000 year old bones and fossil remains of what is believed to be the first politician.
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that while I drank by myself, it only takes two to make WE
that AA meetings don't have to have a lot of humans present in order to be effective
that I don't make New Year's resolutions; if I am going to start doing something OR stop doing something, why procrastinate?
that we went to a dinner party -- there was a drunk there who made a serious fool of himself -- I am sooooo grateful to be in sober and in recovery!
that I am being coerced to get out of my comfort zone - with mixed success
that I don't have a Christmas tree to dispose of
for some cold weather (cold for Houston)
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
-Carl Jung
hey dAAve, just popping in to say hi!
I'm confused by the message you just left on my blog. "For what it's worth"? Hmm. Ought I be offended/pissed off?
Damn that Carl Jung!
I love Carl Jung.
no tree to take down here either... but i'm claiming environmental issues as opposed to stating the obvious and that i was just lazy!!!
Ahhhhh.... the comfort zone thing....
I struggle with that daily...
I know staying in it doesn't help me grow...
Here's to venturing forth out of our comfort zones in 2007... (or today, anyway!)
Oh dear. I hope your head is okay.
I was coming from the abgle of ...does he mean his prayers are worthless, or does he mean that his prayers are wasted on me? Or maybe you just bumped your head getting out of the bed on the wrong side?
Have a groovy sober day. hanks for helping me stay sober for another day.
I was also at a dinner party with a few drunks, and it made me so grateful!
Thanks Daave
have a good day
LOL @ the politician fossils!
I'm with you on the NY resolutions. Today is all there is.
thats damn sure having you head up your ass.
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