Thursday, December 23, 2004

I was a PRO ...

We were just sitting around the table talking. Because I am so unique amongst humans, I had to throw in my ego-based opinion of myself.

The conversation was about going out on New Year's Eve. Of course, that led to someone mentioning that he leaves going out to the bars to the amateurs 'cause he's a professional. And of course, I couldn't have agreed more. I too had become a Professional Drinker.

I added that as a professional drunk, I saw it necessary to move 2 blocks from my pub of choice back in 1994 (my 23rd year of drinking, at that time). That way I didn't have to drink and drive. I was always bragging that it was a 1-minute walk to the bar and a 7-minute walk back home. Time went on and so did my drinking and consumption level. Enough so that in 1999, I thought it was perfectly reasonable to buy part of the pub; become an owner for chrissakes! Lord knows I had put enough $$$ into that place for 25 years already. And I made that deal from Africa where I was working at the time.

Time went on and so did my consumption level.

In August 2003, I had the opportunity to purchase a townhouse. What a coincidence that it was a full block from the pub. Only a 40-second walk now. But it would still take about 7 minutes to walk home; consumption levels being what they were.

My God works in very mysterious ways. I quit drinking. I closed the deal on the townhouse exactly 10 days after the drinking stopped. And now I don't even go to the pub any more. But it's still there if I need it, only 40 seconds away.

I am lightcyan. See what color you are out of a possible 140 shades. Click on the link at the bottom of the box.

you are lightcyan

Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well.

Your saturation level is very low - you have better things to do than jump headfirst into every little project. You make sure your actions are going to really accomplish something before you start because you hate wasting energy making everyone else think you're working.

Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
the html color quiz

If you're just bored and surfing blogs, try this link:

today's cartoon
Christmas joke

Have a GREAT day !!!!!!!

1 comment:

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