Tuesday, February 08, 2005


At 17 months, 3 days into sobriety, I am still amazed and in awe at the Power of Prayer!

I have prayed a lot the past few days in the hopes it would get me through a difficult psychological period. As promised, it has done just that.

Things didn't get better overnight (as I would have liked) but my problems did not start overnight either. By talking to God (as I understand Him) he has shown me the truth and that I do not need to be a slave to wrong thinking. Without perseverance in prayer and faith, this would not have happened. By applying the Twelve Steps of AA and the Principles behind those steps, incredible revelations will occur. I didn't say "may occur" or "can occur" but that they will occur. These Steps & Principles must be done in entirety and with complete abandon for good things to happen.

I can only thank God for another step along this journey.

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