Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Demon Within

Life is soooo much easier today. It requires less thought, less energy. I'm not always scheming on what to do or where and when to do it.

I drank every day for more than 3 decades. During those years, I slowly developed habits and methods to deal with life as it occurred. I learned how to be sneaky, stealthy and downright dishonest.

In recovery now for almost 20 months, I no longer have to worry about ...

... getting thrown off a flight or out of an airport because of my drinking
... blackouts on a daily basis
... the obsession to keep my fridge stocked with beer
... losing my temper with my friends and family
... lying to my friends, bosses and my mother to cover my ass
... getting caught driving
... having to help out other drunk friends
... going to sleep at the bar
... when to start drinking for the day
... hangovers
... vomiting in very inconvenient places
... making expensive long distance phone calls that I don't remember
... going 3 days without eating

I'm sure there's plenty I have forgotten. You can surely add to the list.

1 comment:

Scott W said...

...sweating when sitting perfectly still
...that my equilibrium is all messed up
...unexplained rearranged furniture
...mystery bruises
...remembering movies or tv show