Sunday, April 10, 2005

Dumpster Diver

I live in a townhouse composed of 29 units. Being the cheap bastard that I am, I found this globe outside at the common waste receptacle.

Globe Globe closeup

It now resides safely inside my modest home.


Anonymous said...

You aren't alone. I do the same kinds of stuff - it's just that there are treasures to be found! Did you see that scene in The Fisher King when he takes the metal top from a champagne bottle - the thing that holds the cork in and he makes it into a little chair...says something like beautiful things can come from what someone else throws away.

I think you found a *gem*. That globe is most beautiful. :)

Hannen said...

Haven't you ever heard? One man's trash is another man's treasure. Or woman's. I always keep an eye open when walking thru the neighborhood. You never know what you'll find.