Basically, I dislike telephones very much. I consider them a necessary evil. When I'm on the phone, I like to take care of business and then hang it up. Don't wanna linger. Don't wanna shoot the shit.
I also have very odd sleeping habits. I never sleep more than about 5 hours on any given night. I go to bed about 10pm, watch a little TV then go to sleep by 11pm. So I'm up and fully awake by 4 o'clock-ish. But because I don't get enough nightime sleep, I love to take a nap during the afternoon. I get that nap as often as possible. It can be a 15-minute power nap or as long as 40 or 45 minutes. I just need to rest my eyes and my brain (what's left of it).

My problem is that the few people who call me, do so between 3pm - 5pm. That is the part of the afternoon I earmark for my nap time. What seems like every friggin' day, the phone rings 2, 3 or 4 times while I'm trying to nap. So I give up trying to sleep. Then I find it very difficult to stay up until 10pm. So I wake up earlier in the morning after my 4-5 hours sleep. A viscious, viscious cycle.

So now you're thinking I should just unplug or turn off the phones while trying to nap. Ahhhhh, but you're forgetting one thing ....... I'm a sick person who doesn't think right.
I hate missing phone calls.
todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkfulthat I have begun a new program of unplugging my home phone and turning off my cell phone while trying to nap
that Mom's nursing-home room is now inhabited only by her, for the foreseeable future
that she has the $$$$ to pay for that private room -- the part that isn't covered by insurance
for the nice (and very slow) walk we took yesterday at the nursing home and she actually waved
HI to other residents
for 2 very fine AA meetings yesterday
that I was able to pass up an opportunity to satisfy my inherent need to be right, choosing instead to remain happy by not taking someone's inventory
for the Lassie video below this post
that with a little bit of thought, I'll have an idea for HNT tomorrow