Friday, November 04, 2005

No pain, No change

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

that when the pain got bad enough, good things happened because I was able to be just honest enough, just open-minded enough and just willing enough

that my Mom has been moved the the ICU of a rehab center -- that's progress

that most, if not all, of her living and dying affairs have been taken care of before this illness

that the less selfish I become, the happier I seem to be (this actually happens ocassionally)

that my God (as I understand Him) is not a punishing God; He gives me the freedom to fuck up and the freedom to make things right, if and when I wish

that I still seem to be pretty damn healthy

Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.


Trudging said...

Glad to hear about your Mom.

Jake McCafferty said...

Here's hoping your mother lives to see a thousand -- or 10,000 even -- more sunrises. I'm glad to hear she's making progress.

Shannon said...

hi daave, just read your blog and feel inspired thank you... glad to read about your mom... :)

Recovery Road London said...

I agree: my God isn't a punishing God either.

Thinking of your Mum and you....