Friday, September 09, 2005

How are you?

"Hi Dave. How are you?"

"I'm fine."

hmmmmmmmm ...
(that's the normal, short answer; do you really want the whole answer?)


JJ said...

Yuppers....give me the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me Higher Power.

Scott W said...

F.I.N.E. Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic, Emotional. I am, on an average day, usually a little bit of all of these. On others I have big doses of some or all. But it's getting better, I even have those days when it seems like none of these exist.

I keep coming back.

Phil said...

God forbid I should respond with anything wrong or troubling me. If I say anything but "fine" someone may care, may catch a glimpse of my imperfections, may even want to HELP. Where would it end??

Grace said...

Ah the "I'm fine" answer, I know it well. Of course WE want to know! I thin Pats right, things are different in blogoshpere.

One Drunk to Another said...

Saying "I'm fine" is a good way to test whether or not your listener is or is not in recovery. Hee hee