Friday, February 13, 2009

A matter of convenience

Ya know, I didn't drink and get drunk only when it was convenient ...

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

that I didn't get sober because it was convenient
that I don't go to AA meetings only when it's convenient
that I didn't work the steps because it was convenient
that I don't pray only when it's convenient
that I don't meet with sponsees only when it's convenient
that I sometimes volunteer to help when it's not convenient
that I don't blog only when it's convenient

I gave my life to be the person I am. Was it worth it?
-Richard Bach


Scott W said...

It got to where it was more convenient to get sober than continue fighting.

Pammie said...

If I only blogged when it was convenient, it would be once or twice a month.
When I was drinking I'm sure others would say "Why today, why on this important day would you screw up and get drunk?"

Syd said...

Convenience always seemed selfish to me. But then I did many things that weren't convenient. I'm seeking the balance now in life.

Trailboss said...

OMG, that fiber joke is funny. I'm glad you are my friend Daveo!

Anonymous said...

i'm commenting on your blog right now because it's convenient.

Mary Christine said...

Dave, thanks for that. I agree. And I am grateful that you blog when it is convenient or not.

Mary Christine said...

Dave, thanks for that. I agree. And I am grateful that you blog when it is convenient or not.

Bill said...

I rarely go to convenience stores these days.

Sage Ravenwood said...

(Chuckles) Thanks for that I've been trying to eat healthier, I'm still laughing.

As for convenience, never did this there was any with dealing with Alcoholism. (Hugs)Indigo

steveroni said...

I've been an inconvenience to others all my life.

steveroni said...

Yes, it was WORTH IT! In the case of Richard Bach, and in the case of dAAve

The Bach Tower (Lake Wales, FL) of our favorite 'picnic' places any time we cross the state. A place dripping with sereneness...

Scott W said...

If Steve is going to double dip, then so am I.