Thursday, December 24, 2009

light stuff today

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

for memories of what this night (Christmas Eve) entailed was when I was a kid; life was great!

that life today is great!

Type in any Christmas song and see what the little puppets do. Also, type in any non-Christmas song and you'll get a kick out of the response. One of the funniest I typed in was Jingle Bell Rock... they forget the words half way through.

for only minor damage when a strong weather front blew through about 3:30am (it actually tore off my American flag from the house)

More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them.
- Harold J. Smith


Unknown said...

They didn't know "The Macarena".

Merry ChristmAAs, DAAve...


Syd said...

I hope that you have a great Christmas and feel the joy of being a kid again. We are cooking for the group coming tomorrow.

Scott W said...

They told me I am so getting coal for Christmas.

big Jenn said...

Thanks for all you share, it usually makes me smile, or at least think. I hope you and yours have a great holiday! jeNN

Mary Christine said...

They didn't know Silent Night?

steveroni said...

Don't they know animals do not have to wait in line to go pee?

Especially on Christmas Eve?

Carol said...

Merry Christmas.

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas, Dave.


garden-variety drunk said...

Have a great Christmas Dave : ) and thanks for your great blog and comments all year round