Having been in the offshore marine industry for 20 years, I've always been a big fan of big boats. It doesn't appear that I'll ever have the millions of $$$$ to purchase one, or the hundreds of thousands of dollars for its upkeep each year.
I do like to look though.
CLICK HEREfor a better look.
Just what is the offshore marine industry?
trudging - i was involved in operations of offshore seismic vessels (oil exploration) / boats running from 180' to 320' in lenght with crews of 35-60
Jim - I know they're everywhere but I appreciate the luxury of them knwoing I will never have or really want one - too many headaches
Commenting on your own blog page sounds like self abuse to me. Tee hee. QN
Anon (QN) -- I have much better (tried & true) methods of self-abuse.
Can we rent one and go on a holiday.....PLEASE! PRETTY PLEASE!
I have designed custom carpet for several of those big ships. You wouldn't believe how picky and extremely anal-retentive some of the owners are. Then again, maybe you would.
Following up on trudging's question, is there such a thing as onshore marine industry?
Namenlosen Trinker
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