Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2 more weeks

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

for a drama-free Monday

for the design for living offered me by the Twelve Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous

that when I truly practice Steps 6 & 7, I tend to come up short of my goals less often

for my hot tub on cool mornings

for the Chamber of Commerce weather we've had in Houston recently (you younguns may not know that term, so google it)

that two weeks from today, the election should finally be finished

Tough times never last, tough people do.
-Robert Schuller


Pammie said...

hey maybe we could start early morning hot tub step studys! Just a thought.

Mary Christine said...

Two more weeks, two more weeks, two more weeks.... I think I can make it.... one day at a time.

Bill said...

Design for Living...
I like that. It sounds so modern.

(I've been stuck inside that 1950's advertisement site for about a week now)

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to vote!

Scott W said...

6 & 7 remain very mysterious to me.

steveroni said...

I already voted--don't ask...don't tell! So I guess it's over?

Trailboss said...

I can't wait to step in that voting booth. Oh, and get my crappy sticker that says "I VOTED"

Zanejabbers said...

Hallelujah!Two more weeks.

Syd said...

I will be glad when it's over too. It has occupied a lot of my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I was an alcoholic for 14 years and now i am sober and living a happy life with my family these all done by AA.I am glade to say i am an alcoholic to the members of AA.And to this blog too.