todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful
that I'm often reminded in sooooo many ways to Live and Let Live
for the infinite number of tools offered me to make repairs to my thoughts and actions
for memories -- both good and bad
that whatever happens with the economy, it's not likely to kill me although it may require some adjustment
Imagination was given to us to compensate for what we are not; a sense of humor was given to us to console us for what we are.
-Mark McGinnis
that I'm often reminded in sooooo many ways to Live and Let Live
for the infinite number of tools offered me to make repairs to my thoughts and actions
for memories -- both good and bad
that whatever happens with the economy, it's not likely to kill me although it may require some adjustment
Imagination was given to us to compensate for what we are not; a sense of humor was given to us to console us for what we are.
-Mark McGinnis
I think "frettin'" over the economy is more painful than the economy. enjoy your day jose'
He stays in Vegas. You couldn't make up a weirder story than his...
Some days ya just gotta roll with the punches. Oh, and if you are blond and pretty, stay away from OJ!
Again, dAAve....
LOVED the quote.
LOved the picture.
Grateful that the laws of Karma are still inaction. lol
Have a serene day...
AMEN. Perfect picture! LOVE IT
A wacky sense of humor ain't a bad consolation prize.
Yep, you've definitely got a wacky sense of humor. Luv it tho.
it seems to be easier to just live and let live... and let go... nice reminder
If you are OJ, you now gotta stay away from blond-and-pretty, unless...unless...............unless,
oh, well.
Live and live? My favourite is Goldfinger or The Spy Who Said She Loved Me.
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