Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Careful now ...

todAAy i AAm grAAteful & thAAnkful

that I rarely raise my hand so I can share my immense wisdom (experience, strength and hope) in AA meetings. I know I may be depriving many needy humans of some much needed recovery, but I choose to let other, usually less sober guys guide others through their own program.

that I can learn so much by watching and observing others

that I made the right choice, 5 years ago, of a person to help learn me some steps

that you are reading this and may become a follower to my humble blog (just click on the link at the top of the sidebar)

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
-Dalai Lama


Pammie said...

I am always grateful that I picked the right person to take me thru the steps as well. It hurts when I hear others who did not.

Pammie said...

I am always grateful that I picked the right person to take me thru the steps as well. It hurts when I hear others who did not.

My adventures said...

Watching and observing the people was always the best part of the AA meetings I attended. That and how I would redecorate the rooms. Ha!

Mary Christine said...

What kind of a paper publishes an entire article about a "willy"?

Scott W said...

LOL David. Perhaps the hand raising comment was a result of yesterday's meeting on perspective? Funny.

Akannie said...

Once again--great quote.

Where DO you find these news stories?? lol OUCH!

I'm glad too, that you're here and you done got some learnin' on these steps.

Syd said...

I am also grateful for the legacy that my sponsor has shared with me. And I always follow your blog Dave. The comment about other less sober guys guiding others cracked me up.

Kathy Lynne said...

I'm really just a big copycat, but it works.

J-Online said...

Your news story threw me off this morning. I'm still laughing.

Zanejabbers said...

That news story was funny but it gave me the willies. Ick! Ouch!