Monday, July 18, 2005

Old and New Behaviour

Early on in AA I heard about changing my behaviour. They said,

"It's not old behaviour if you're still doing it."

Well, that made sense. I could identify with that. Today, with 2 years of sobriety looming in the near future, I have changed a lot of old behaviours.

For instance, there's a couple of people at my home AA center that really push my buttons. In the old days, they would have pissed me off to no end. I would have either (a) fought back verbally and very loudly (b) totally ignored them at all costs or (c) avoided them at every chance.

How much have I changed? I tell both of them hello every time I see them. I try my very hardest to be nice. I don't have to engage in conversation with them or hang out with them. But I do feel responsible to show some respect for them. That's part of my program. I have to remember that they're trying to stay sober and recover too. I have to remember that we are all at different places in different mindsets. I have to remember that their day may not have been as good as mine.

My reaction to others has changed.
My thinking still has a long way to go.


Anonymous said...

My! You are a busy bitty blogger. Call me and let me know your moniker for IMing. Queen Noor

Anonymous said...

I need to be reminded of that..It has been hard for me when those 2 people in my world have used me a as a target for their stuff..Your blog has helped me in so many ways.Thanks my fav.funny man.I will be there to here your story and looking forward to it !!xoxox's

Scott W said...

Of course, it helps to remember that some are sicker than others. I didn't know you before, but I like the you that has changed.