Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Twelve Rewards

We can all have Hope, instead of desperation;
Faith, instead of despair;
Courage, instead of fear;
Peace of Mind, instead of confusion;
Self-respect, instead of self-contempt;
Self-confidence, instead of helplessness;
The respect of others, instead of their pity and contempt;
A clean conscience, instead of a sense of guilt;
Real friendships, instead of loneliness;
A clean pattern of life, instead of a purposeless existence;
the love and understanding of our families, instead of their doubts and fears;
and the freedom of a happy life, instead of the bondage of an alcoholic obsession.

written by Ann C. of Niles, Ohio - sober since April 1, 1948

1 comment:

dAAve said...

I'm glad you're willing to try again. I am still trying to figure out what is really so hard about it.

1) go to meetings
2) get a sponsor to talk and listen to
3) accept a higher power
4) be honest and open-minded
5) be willing to listen
6) don't use between meetings

Those things were very easy for me, compared to how hard I worked to stay fucked up for my entire adult life.